International Cooperation department – Tasks related to CENELEC and to the IEC – Ms Melanie Feuerriegel

This report aims at giving a summary of certain IEC- and CENELEC-related tasks that are carried out in the International Cooperation department and follows an introduction to these by Ms Melanie Feuerriegel.


International Cooperation department, team members: Juliane Gräfe, Janett Böhme and Melanie Feuerriegel


International Cooperation department, relations with the IEC and CENELEC: Thomas Sentko (IEC) with the IEC Tech leaflet and Kevin Behnisch (CENELEC) with a new CEN CENELEC working document

As pointed out in an earlier presentation (“A Short presentation to standard preparation at DKE”), the International Cooperation department acts as a buffer between DKE committees and their relative representatives at the level of DKE on the one hand and various international and European stakeholders on the other hand – like CENELEC or the IEC.

In the International Cooperation department, Melanie Feuerriegel and four of her collaborators (Elena Mandla, Sonja Götten, Janett Böhme und Juliane Gräfe) are responsible for different CLC/TCs and IEC/TCs and thus share the workload of the department. The various e-mails received by the International Cooperation deparment are funnelled to an inbox called the DKE-ZBI inbox; these e-mails are then handled by one of the persons in charge mentioned above.

Thus, regarding the handling of German versions, CENELEC requests for translation are received on the DKE-ZBI inbox. Melanie sends these requests for translation internally to one of the persons in charge within the International Cooperation department, and then one of the five girls in charge (Elena Mandla, Sonja Götten, Janett Böhme, Juliane Gräfe and Melanie Feuerriegel) will thus forward this request to the concerned DKE committee (called Referent). Once the CLC text has been translated, the committee Referent sends the translation back to the person in charge in the International Cooperation department ; before sending it back to CENELEC, the International Cooperation department in turn will then check one last time the quality of the German version (even though the DKE committee in charge remains responsible for its quality) , i.e.:

– did the committee send the German version in Word and pdf?

– are the figures correctly inserted?

– is the layout correct?

The department also dispatches several e-mails about either CENELEC management requests or CENELEC BT decisions to DKE committees either for information or to ask them for their position regarding these (agreement? disagreement?) and possible comments. It also handles the most important decisions and sends them off to the DKE Technical Advisory Board International and National Coordination (TBINK), one of the three technical boards in the organigramm of DKE (NOTE: the two other DKE technical boards concern the ETSI and conformity assesments).

Through the Collaboration Tool, it is made possible to administer TC meetings, meeting minutes as well as to handle potential documents that will have to be proceeded to the person in charge of the DKE TC or, sometimes on his request, to the DKE TC members.

Several tasks also concern the IEC Standardization Management Board (SMB) (i.e. the equivalent of the CENELEC BT in the IEC) and the IEC Council (i.e. the equivalent of the CLC AG at IEC) and are accomplished by Melanie Feuerriegel and Janett Böhme. Dr Bernhard Thies is the DKE Member of the IEC SMB and Mr Thomas Sentko of the International Cooperation department acts as its Alternate (cf. the structure of the IEC SMB on the following link:,FSP_LANG_ID:3228,25).

On behalf of Mr Sentko, Melanie Feuerriegel and Janett Böhme proceed the notifications of new SMB documents they receive by e-mail from the IEC (regarding meeting agendas, decisions to be voted,…) and distribute the documents to the Referent in charge within DKE with a due date.  Mr Sentko then checks very thoroughly all responses from the Referent so that Melanie or Janett can cast the votes on the SMB documents through the IEC website in a password protected special area.  For the meeting preparation of the SMB, every response (DE and from other SMB members countries) is registered by Melanie and Janett on the SMB Agenda so that Dr. Thies and Thomas Sentko are well prepared for the SMB meeting.

Documents from the IEC Council which come by the IEC weekly newsletter are also distributed by Melanie and Janett to industry stakeholders by e-mail with a deadline. Thomas Sentko then checks the responses so that Melanie and/or Janett can submit the vote on the Council documents through the IEC website.

Regular TC/SC documents are distributed through the My IEC newsletter. When e.g. a new meeting of a TC/SC is announced, the International Cooperation department distributes, invites the German experts to the meeting and handles the accreditations of NC members to meetings on the IEC meeting registration system (MRS).

Ms Melanie Feuerriegel – 2013/04/19

1 thought on “International Cooperation department – Tasks related to CENELEC and to the IEC – Ms Melanie Feuerriegel

  1. Matthew

    Aha! Now we know exactly who’s behind the famous DKE-ZBI email address! They must be working flat out what with all our translation requests and ccmc bt documents, not to mention the IEC work….
    Are DKE aware of our intentions to move to an eTrans type platform for document transfer? It would certainly reduce a lot of email traffic. Tell them to keep an eye out for in in the EDP medium/ or long term strategy….


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